Last Images of War
“A universal commentary, punctuated with searing and indelible images, on the human costs and tragic nature of war as a means of solving international disputes.”
LAST IMAGES OF WAR is the compelling and tragic story of four photojournalists who covered the Afghan-Soviet war, felt an intense commitment to provide the world with the dramatic images it so craved, and who were ultimately consumed by the story and the conflict they were reporting on. This unforgettable, Emmy-Award winning film explores the motivation and ideals which carried these three men and one woman to their deaths in what was considered a Holy War or “Jihad” against the Soviet Union.
LAST IMAGES OF WAR is a story told from different cultural perspectives, using compelling original footage and photographs, journal notes and interviews with the four photographers themselves, their families, friends and colleagues. The fifth voice of the film is the poetic, tragic voice of the Afghan nation itself. This is a story about frontline photojournalists, about war, Afghan culture, Islam, grief, families, friendship and the intense personal and professional commitment to risk all to tell a story that needed to be told.
Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes
Narrated by: Ben Kingsley
Produced & Directed by: Stephen Olsson & Scott Andrews

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“A universal commentary, punctuated with searing and indelible images, on the human costs and tragic nature of war as a means of solving international disputes.” Sundance Film Festival
“A compelling and moving portrait. This film introduces remarkable, heroic people whose losses underscore the primitive waste and idiocy of war while pointing out the psychological and spiritual needs such conflicts continue to serve.” Variety (Hollywood)
“LAST IMAGES OF WAR is an intensely moving celebration of the bravery and idealism of the journalists and the rebels, but it is also an important antidote to the hype and prime-time glory of the Persian Gulf war. The film is beautiful and brutal, a glorification of “pure” as opposed to corporate journalism, and a vivid snapshot of war at its most atrocious. This brilliant film, on PBS, runs against the current grain of prime-time television and succeeds in being both riveting and edifying.” Toronto Globe and Mail
“Four Stars! Valiant and haunting! An artful and emotionally inspiring tribute. This is a story which needed to be told, and however painful, it brings honor and meaning to its subjects.” USA Today
“Set up to encourage leading documentary filmmakers to produce formative feature documentaries which reflect the passions of their creators and aim to be a major contribution to the art of the documentary.” Produced in association with the BBC for the premiere season of FINE CUT
“At last a powerful and haunting film which measures up to the claims made for this anthology of international documentaries.” Sunday Telegraph (London)
“A moving account of the motivations of people whose commitment to truth was greater than their desire to stay alive. The dignity and grief of the people they left behind is as upsetting as the captured horror of war. This is a deeply unsettling film.” Time Out (London)
“LAST IMAGES OF WAR” is a superior work in terms of technique, but it is also a deeply felt film. It is disturbing, patriotic, poetic, sad and inspiring.” San Francisco Chronicle (London)
National Emmy Award, Outstanding Director
National Emmy Nominations for Outstanding Individual Achievement and Outstanding Research
Grand Jury Prize Nominee, Sundance Film Festival
Blue Ribbon Award, American Film and Video Festival
Gold Special Jury Award, Worldfest Houston
National Educational Film and Video Festival
Chicago International Film Festival
Mountainfilm Special Jury Award for Historical Documentary
World Premiere, BBC “Fine Cut” Series
National Broadcast, PBS “POV” Series
CANAL+ (France, Spain)
TV ASAHI (Japan)
CBC (Canada)
Gostelradio (Russia)
Updated version produced in 2002 for National Geographic Television