Global Spirit
“The discussions on the Global Spirit series are sorely needed in this dispirited and disenchanted world. In many ways, it is more important than journalism today.” Journalist Bill Moyers
Hosted by author Phil Cousineau, and presented by actor John Cleese and musicians Carlos and Cindy Santana, the Global Spirit series channels world religion, indigenous cosmologies, and modern science, to trace the eternal yet still evolving human quest for meaning, truth, and wisdom.
Global Spirit’s two seasons of 22 programs have been broadcast on over 200 PBS stations and Link TV to over five million viewers. The series features over forty thought leaders, philosophers, teachers, native elders, and spiritual practitioners, who share their direct personal experiences and wisdom.
Global Spirit Season Three
As part of Global Spirit’s third season, we plan to produce a special collection of programs on human virtues. Human virtues are almost timeless, harking back to the roots of the world’s major religions. Today, these values have been abandoned to a dangerous level. The growth of “me-first” state of mind, one that dictates the relentless pursuit of material goods at the expense of what really matters in life is an example of when virtue is lacking.
Through compelling portraits of diverse individuals, people who are truly walking their talk, audiences will see how human virtues are learned skills, and how different cultures, religions, and individuals can show us a great deal about cultivating those skills. We’ll explore how each of our world religions contains a method for cultivating those virtues, and how institutionalized religions have at times undermined and negated them.
Each half-hour program will feature portraits of two or three individuals from different cultures or religious traditions who show us how to be aware of and open to our deepest human qualities and potential. We are therefore actively seeking financial sponsorship to confirm our program guests and to produce a unique 6-part series of half-hour Global Spirit programs on the human virtues, including forgiveness, altruism, generosity, mercy and compassion, empathy, and love.
Beyond a simple “how to” guide to human moral and spiritual maturation, these programs will inform and inspire audiences by taking us deeper into the understanding of what the virtue means within that tradition and how it is cultivated and more fully expressed.
Global Spirit Season Three
Sponsorship Opportunities
You can also choose a different level of support toward any topic of your choice at the link below.
Community Events
CEM would like to make our amazing collection of programs available to new audiences throughout the world through daily webcasts, community screenings, house parties, and educational distribution. We need your support to carry this unique body of work to the communities who are directly involved, and can directly benefit. We have seen our programs effectively get people “into the tent,” as well as provide “the spirit” for online or brick-and-mortar organizational engagement events or parties.
We need your support to provide our ecological programs, for free, to the service of environmental organizations and think tanks, our “Living and Dying” Forgiveness & Healing programs, for free to hospice and other end-of-life practitioners, our “Earth Wisdom” and “Stories to Remember” programs out without charge to indigenous communities worldwide.
Global Spirit Community Events
Sponsorship Opportunities
You can also choose a different level of support toward any online or brick-and-mortar community event at the link below.
Global Spirit Daily Webcast
We have learned from recent Pew research, Millennials are searching intently for “connection,” to authenticity and to meaningful content. “Only about half of Millennials (adults born between 1981 and 1996) say they believe in God with absolute certainty, and only about four-in-ten say religion is very important in their lives. (Yet) more than four-in-ten of these younger adults (46%) say they feel a deep sense of wonder about the universe at least once a week. Likewise, most also say they think about the meaning and purpose of life on a weekly basis (55%).” Thus we are launching GlobalSpiritConnect™, a daily webcast made of short videos tailored to engage the hearts and minds of younger viewers. The first phase of GlobalSpiritConnect™ will feature five daily webcasts per week, for one year on the following themes: gratitude; music; fear; separation; the sacred; the divine; love; community; oneness; forgiveness; compassion; pilgrimage & sacred travel; sacred texts; ego; Native wisdom; the feminine wisdom; life; peace; death.
Global Spirit Daily Webcast
Sponsorship Opportunities
You can also choose a different level of support at the link below.
Conversation Guides
We are asking for your support to create and provide conversation guides for all of Global Spirit’s programs, and thereby make all 22 programs available to universities, colleges, institutions, individuals and groups throughout the US and beyond. The cost of each conversation guide would be approximately $4,000. We have thus far produced three guides. (The Power of Community, Inside Sacred Texts, The Pilgrimage Experience.)
These Conversation guides would be offered for free to all Global Spirit viewers, through the Global Spirit website and would significantly increase the potential for audience engagement as well as the pedagogical value of the series and make it available to colleges and universities throughout the US and beyond. We plan to work with an educational distributor and also do some direct, targeted departmental mailings to reach and inspire both students and teachers.
We have recently tested our Conversation Guide in on undergraduate Comparative Religion classes. We discovered that the conversation guide format of 4-5 short videos, followed up by 3-5 discussion questions actually works extremely well in the classroom. In fact, 75% of the students we surveyed said that using the Conversation Guides, in conjunction with the accompanying short videos was more engaging and produced a more interesting class discussion than showing the full-length program in the classroom, followed by a 30 or 45-minute class discussion.
We have numerous programs and renowned teachers representing different academic fields and perspectives. We, therefore, believe the Global Spirit series will become a useful addition to instruction at community colleges and four-year universities in particular departments such as Religious Studies & Comparative Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, Women’s Studies, Ethnic / Native Studies, Anthropology / Sociology / Cultural Studies.
Global Spirit Conversation Guides
Sponsorship Opportunities
You can also choose a different level of support toward a conversation guide at the link below.